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POLICY MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. GENERAL POLICIES a. Statement of Purpose b. Assessment Standard c. GED® Testing Program d. Policy Review. << Back to Manual Table of Contents Outline. Murray State University POLICY NUMBER: V L. SUBJECT: G.E.D. EXAMINATION FEE WAIVER APPLIES TO: ALL REGULAR,A GED examiner's manual, published by the GED Testing Service, describes policies and procedures for operating a GED testing center and administering the If you want more information on guidelines to follow for establishing and operating a GED® testing program, the Policies and Procedures Manual published by GED Testing Service Policies and Procedures Manual - acces ·, in response to recommendations from the jurisdictional agenciesthat are responsible for the This manual contains the policies for administration of the GED® test, manual and the Policies and Procedures Manual published by GED Testing Service®. The GED® Program Policy Manual. January 2018. Published by: GED Testing Service LLC. 5601 Green Valley Drive. Bloomington, MN 55437. The GED® Program Policy Manual. Learn about the specific rules and regulations needed to administer the GED test in the U.S., Canada, and Internationally.
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