Lange's handbook of chemistry citation
LANGE, NORBERT ADOLPH, and DEAN, JOHN AURIE. Title of source: Lange's handbook of chemistry; Edition: 11th ed. Publisher / Distributor: McGraw-Hill. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. J. Dean (Eds.). . McGraw-Hill, New York, 14th edition, (1992 ). Links and resources. BibTeX key: dean92:LHC; search on:. Lange's Handbook of chemistry. ; Lange, Norbert Adolph, 1892-1970. ;. ; c1985 ;. Not Available. Export. QR. Export to Excel. EndNote. Email. Citation. Print. John A. Dean assumed the editorship of Lange's Handbook of Chemistry in 1968 with The author of nine major chemistry reference books used. Lange, Norbert A, and John A. Dean. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973. Print. Turabian (6th ed.) Lange, Revered as the standard reference for chemists for more than 60 years, this new edition of Lange's brings chemistry professionals, students, A revision of a handbook which covers all areas of chemistry and which Coverage includes organic and inorganic chemistry, thermodynamic data and
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