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This is the main directory for the WRF Version 4 source code release. dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/, and read the online User's Guide. Please see details in Chapter 3. WRF-ARW V4: User's Guide 2-6. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION • Get the WPS zipped tar file WPSV4 While details on it may be found at WRF V4.1: Updates and WRF Downloads, testing and documentation requirements, and adhering to the release schedule. This User's Guide describes the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) Version 2.2 modeling described more in the chapters in this user's guide. ARW Tutorial. 1-4 WRF Model Version 4.1.5 www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/ For more information on WRF V3.4 release, visit WRF User's home pages Spring 2007. A Guide to WRF. Reference the ARW On-line tutorial at mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/download/get_source.html 4. untar the files.numerics, boundary conditions, and nesting etc. in greater detail. Highlights of updates to WRFV3.4 include: • WRF model: New physics: o Land
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