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horiba xplora manual horiba labram 800labram hr evolution manual horiba t64000. Contact details for Horiba Jobin Yvon. 67 LabRAM User Manual.LabRAM HR Evolution high spectral resolution confocal Raman microscope delivers ultimate performance and flexibility for Raman analysis and Raman imaging. Digital manuals can be found in the folder named 'Manuals' on desktop of computer specifically used for. Raman Microscope. Printed copies of User Manual LabRAM. User Guide. An Introduction to the. Software and Hardware v.01 11/2004 The following diagram of a LabRAM HR system shows the typical layout. The. With guaranteed high performance and intuitive simplicity, the LabRAM HR Evolution is the ultimate instrument for Raman spectroscopy. Leader in Raman &. LabRam HR Evolution brochure. LabRam system offers advanced confocal imaging capabilities in 2D and 3D. The system will be equipped with Multi-laser LabRAM HR Evolution User Manual. 3. 06/2. 6. /2. 013. Thank you for choosing HORIBA Scientific. HORIBA Scientific is a world leader in Raman spectroscopy, HORIBA - LabRAM HR EvolutionThe LabRAM HR Evolution Raman microscopes are ideally suited for both micro and macro measurements, and offer advanced confocal
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